Friday, July 4, 2008

Public Relations Plan For Probation Personnel

Writen by Lance Winslow

What can the county probation department do to increase a good standing in the community and dump the negative connotation, which comes with their jobs? Somehow it seems even though they help our society, they also have a bad rap themselves. But with proper Public Relations and a campaign to promote community good will perhaps they can over come this dilemma? Is it possible?

Well for this case study let us suggest a neighborhood mobile watch patrol that they can participate in and let us look at their method of operations in the field and see how this lends a cooperative aspect to such a plan;

PROBATION DEPARTMENT: Probation Department will be glad to help you with these programs. They tend to know many of the bad apples in the area and their friends. They often make social work house calls and meet with parents and loved ones. They are very much in touch with what is going on in your area. It is important to include them into your program, whether or not they put the sign on the cars.

Now then you can see how we can take something that is considered a plight, with a negative image in our cities and towns and turn it into a positive with ample stuff to write about. Public Relations is a lot about problem solving involving creativity. So, I suggest you get your nose out of your text books and your mind out of the box and start thinking about PR in a different way.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance;

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