Corporate gift giving ideas are best discussed within the company level. Gift giving can be a touchy issue and it will be great to have another colleague(s) to brain storm it. The benefits of corporate gift giving can never be underestimated and its time to put on your thinking cap. Very often that customer is also shared by another colleague in the company. Your colleague might have sent the customer a gift before and by now have some knowledge about the customer personal tastes or interests.
Once your colleague has agreed to your suggestion to send the customer a gift, with the combined budget, the choice of gift is probably limited by ones' imagination. Isn't a better choice to present a uniquely memorable gift than to present 2 ordinary gifts from the same company?
Corporate gift giving ideas should adhere the following concerns:
1) Timing of gift
That well sought customer of yours is probably an Anchor customer to another rival company. Everybody budget for gift can never be the same and it is best not to send your gift within that same working week. Worst, if your gift is heaven and earth apart in comparison! Although this is a very difficult question to answer but with some efforts through getting to know your customer better daily, subtle hints can generate a wealth of knowledge about your customer for your benefits.
2) Gift policy
It is better to be safe than sorry in checking out the gift policy of your own company and the customer. You might be new in this company and what is being practiced in your previous company might not be applicable to the present company. Incurring personal expense and yet against your company policy can be detrimental for career advancement.
Most companies have some sort of gift policy for the recipient. It is probably set on the number or the value of the gift. Others can be vague and define it as a "token" gift. In some extreme, no gift is allowed !
3) Desired gift
The effort of getting a desired gift out-weights a less desirable gift for the relationship building. Since the intention is clear, might as well make it a superb corporate gift giving idea to the delight of the customer! How, you will wonder? Well, can you still remember that perfect timing of the gift for the customer birthday through constant conversations and subtle information gathering questions? Am glad this suggestion brings a smile to your face!
Basically the above are just some of the corporate gift giving ideas which you knew but just didn't find time to polish it to perfection to bring your relationship with your customers to the highest degree.
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1 comment:
Promotional mugs are a common corporate giveaway for two reasons. They're inexpensive to buy and everyone wants one. Everybody wants to get something for nothing, especially if it's something that he or she will use on a daily basis.
Promotional Mugs
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