Sunday, June 1, 2008

Public Relations For Copper Mines

Writen by Lance Winslow

Public relations for copper mines in the United States of America is extremely important. Too many copper mines have been closed in the United States and currently the price of copper is astronomical and that adds costs to almost all the electrical components that people buy. Since copper conducts electricity and is the preferred metal we need more of the. In the United States we have plenty of copper mines but they have all closed nearly all of them due to complaints from environmentalists.

Perhaps if they had better public relations programs this might not have happened. There are a few copper mines operating in the United States and they need to work hard and keep communication lines open with all the mass media so that they can educate the consumer, citizen and even the environmentalists as to the reason that copper mines are so vitally important to the flows of our civilization.

We have an abundance of natural resources in the United States of America and copper is one of them. We have enough copper in our country for all of our manufacturing needs and enough to export to solve all the copper market's problems. But if these copper mines cannot operate due to environmentalists claiming that copper dust flies around and gets all over everything turning it red, then you can see the issues.

Corporations that build products, which require copper will then have to import the material at a very high price plus shipping costs and that puts our manufacturing facilities and industries at a severe disadvantage to the rest of the world. That hurts American jobs and it is a bad policy. This is why public relations and copper mining is so important. Please consider all this in 2006.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance;

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